Scale to Asia

Expand your Business Overseas with Tailored Asia Market Entry Solutions

From researching market potential to eCommerce localization—our market expansion solutions will help you define and implement a successful Asia business strategy.

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From researching market potential to eCommerce localization—our market expansion solutions will help you define and implement a successful Asia business strategy.

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Expanding into the vibrant and lucrative Asian market is a strategic move for any growing business. From India to Vietnam, Laos and The Philippines, the fastest-growing economies are all in Asia–and with explosive growth in Southeast Asian eCommerce, the region is an attractive opportunity for companies looking to expand globally.

Navigating the complex and fragmented Asian market is no easy feat, but with our customized business roadmap and knowledge of successful strategies, you can confidently secure your position and thrive in these dynamic markets. 

Supporting every Step of your Asia Business Expansion

Identify the Optimal Moment for Expanding into Asia

When considering the opportune moment for global expansion, evaluate if your business:
• Faces a growth bottleneck domestically.
• Is receiving orders from customers in new regions.
• Has achieved product-market compatibility in its domestic market.
• Displays a regional network effect and competitors are replicating your business model and products abroad.

Choose the Right Market to Enter

When researching potential markets, it’s important to assess their size, growth potential, feasibility of cross-border sales, market synergies, and differences in product localization, language, and culture. It's also crucial to understand the competitive landscape and gauge the competitive strengths of your brand in the target market to choose the one that best aligns with your business goals.

Embrace the Diversity of Asia's Markets

Asia is comprised of five distinct economies–China, India, ASEAN, GCC, and East Asia. While English is widely spoken in Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, every country and region has its own official language, with India recognizing up to 18 languages.

Southeast Asia is particularly rich in cultural diversity, with locals speaking different languages and having unique traditions and preferences. These cultural, social, and economic differences have shaped consumer behavior in each country, and understanding them is key to improving your Return on Investment.

Validate Expansion Feasibility with a Low-Risk Method

eCommerce is a great way to verify the feasibility of your market expansion, as it opens new revenue streams and provides valuable cultural insights into your products and which ones are the most in-demand.

Either by establishing your own website or set up shop on third-party platforms like Shopee and Lazada, you should be familiar with the cross-border eCommerce ecosystem in your target country to determine the maturity, development potential, and business opportunities, including online platforms, logistics and customs, payment methods, social media, marketing, and intellectual property.

Once you have seen positive results such as an increase in the number of online customers, a rise in registered or potential customers, and monthly recurring revenue (MRR) from new regions, you can plan your next steps.

Streamline Expansion with a Universal Script

Once you've validated your target market, it's time to ramp up your investment. You can either establish local teams to increase market share, or apply your successful business model to similar markets. However, keep in mind that every market is unique and requires constant refinement to achieve compatibility.

Simplify your expansion efforts and consider creating a unified eCommerce framework for the entire Asian market. This includes centralizing management of core components such as product offerings, core processes, regional marketing plans, and IT implementation. By following this script, you can ensure consistent expansion while still allowing for local customization and autonomy.

Maximize Mobile Reach in Asia

In many Asian emerging markets, smartphone ownership surpasses computer and laptop usage, and there’s longer phone usage hours and more familiarity with mobile devices, so a user-friendly mobile experience is crucial for success.

Our team will collaborate with you to create an intuitive, optimized mobile journey and seamlessly integrate with popular social media platforms for easy sharing and discussions about your products.

Prioritize Data Security and Privacy

While emerging markets often have more relaxed attitudes towards data privacy, this is not the case in developed markets like Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. With growing global concerns regarding data protection, privacy, and monitoring, policies in Southeast Asia are becoming more stringent, and some countries require storing customer data locally in order to conduct online business. We prioritize data security and privacy to ensure that your customer's sensitive information is protected.

Localization in Asia's Thriving Markets

For a successful market expansion in Asia, adapting to local languages, payment methods, social media norms, and consumer preferences is crucial. In your localization efforts, you should be mindful of the following:
• Language: Translating product catalogs, promotional materials and login pages.
• Content: Improving SEO rankings in local search engines.
• Mobile: Ensuring your product searchable on mobile devices.
• Branding: How is your brand and its name translation perceived?
• Pricing: Understanding your target market’s price sensitivity.
• Marketing: What are the most popular promotional activities?
Identify the Optimal Moment for Expanding into Asia
When considering the opportune moment for global expansion, evaluate if your business:
• Faces a growth bottleneck domestically.
• Is receiving orders from customers in new regions.
• Has achieved product-market compatibility in its domestic market.
• Displays a regional network effect and competitors are replicating your business model and products abroad.
Choose the Right Market to Enter
When researching potential markets, it’s important to assess their size, growth potential, feasibility of cross-border sales, market synergies, and differences in product localization, language, and culture. It's also crucial to understand the competitive landscape and gauge the competitive strengths of your brand in the target market to choose the one that best aligns with your business goals.
Embrace the Diversity of Asia's Markets
Asia is comprised of five distinct economies–China, India, ASEAN, GCC, and East Asia. While English is widely spoken in Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, every country and region has its own official language, with India recognizing up to 18 languages.

Southeast Asia is particularly rich in cultural diversity, with locals speaking different languages and having unique traditions and preferences. These cultural, social, and economic differences have shaped consumer behavior in each country, and understanding them is key to improving your Return on Investment.
Validate Expansion Feasibility with a Low-Risk Method
eCommerce is a great way to verify the feasibility of your market expansion, as it opens new revenue streams and provides valuable cultural insights into your products and which ones are the most in-demand.

Either by establishing your own website or set up shop on third-party platforms like Shopee and Lazada, you should be familiar with the cross-border eCommerce ecosystem in your target country to determine the maturity, development potential, and business opportunities, including online platforms, logistics and customs, payment methods, social media, marketing, and intellectual property.

Once you have seen positive results such as an increase in the number of online customers, a rise in registered or potential customers, and monthly recurring revenue (MRR) from new regions, you can plan your next steps.
Streamline Expansion with a Universal Script
Once you've validated your target market, it's time to ramp up your investment. You can either establish local teams to increase market share, or apply your successful business model to similar markets. However, keep in mind that every market is unique and requires constant refinement to achieve compatibility.

Simplify your expansion efforts and consider creating a unified eCommerce framework for the entire Asian market. This includes centralizing management of core components such as product offerings, core processes, regional marketing plans, and IT implementation. By following this script, you can ensure consistent expansion while still allowing for local customization and autonomy.
Maximize Mobile Reach in Asia
In many Asian emerging markets, smartphone ownership surpasses computer and laptop usage, and there’s longer phone usage hours and more familiarity with mobile devices, so a user-friendly mobile experience is crucial for success.

Our team will collaborate with you to create an intuitive, optimized mobile journey and seamlessly integrate with popular social media platforms for easy sharing and discussions about your products.
Prioritize Data Security and Privacy
While emerging markets often have more relaxed attitudes towards data privacy, this is not the case in developed markets like Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. With growing global concerns regarding data protection, privacy, and monitoring, policies in Southeast Asia are becoming more stringent, and some countries require storing customer data locally in order to conduct online business. We prioritize data security and privacy to ensure that your customer's sensitive information is protected.
Localization in Asia's Thriving Markets
For a successful market expansion in Asia, adapting to local languages, payment methods, social media norms, and consumer preferences is crucial. In your localization efforts, you should be mindful of the following:
• Language: Translating product catalogs, promotional materials and login pages.
• Content: Improving SEO rankings in local search engines.
• Mobile: Ensuring your product searchable on mobile devices.
• Branding: How is your brand and its name translation perceived?
• Pricing: Understanding your target market’s price sensitivity.
• Marketing: What are the most popular promotional activities?

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Our Services

Through our digital transformation workshops, we collect and analyze your needs carry out digital and Commerce audits, and offer consultations on the best platform solution for your business. By compiling your ideal Commerce roadmap together we will be creating the best user experience for your future customers.
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Through our digital transformation workshops, we collect and analyze your needs carry out digital and Commerce audits, and offer consultations on the best platform solution for your business. By compiling your ideal Commerce roadmap together we will be creating the best user experience for your future customers.
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Through our digital transformation workshops, we collect and analyze your needs carry out digital and Commerce audits, and offer consultations on the best platform solution for your business. By compiling your ideal Commerce roadmap together we will be creating the best user experience for your future customers.
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Indonesia. eCommerce sales estimates (June 2024)

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