Breakdown of China Cross Border eCommerce Shoppers by Demographic

TMO GroupApril 26, 2016
Breakdown of China Cross Border eCommerce Shoppers by Demographic

For cross border eCommerce in China, do you know what is a "typical" Chinese shopper? Furthermore, how do those shoppers differ from general eCommerce customers in China?

According to the latest data from iResearch, we find out the demographics about China cross border eCommerce customers. The average China cross border eCommerce shopper is an aged 26-40 male who lives in Southeast China, has a bachelor degree, and earns a monthly income of RMB 11043.9.



There are a little more male online shoppers than females for cross border eCommerce. Such gender structure accords with that of the overall Internet users in China.

China cross border eCommerce shopper

Among all the cross border eCommerce shoppers in China, male accounts for 64.8%, while female accounts for 35.2%

Additionally, some women tend to use their husbands or boyfriends’ account to shop online for convenient payment or goods delivery.



Most of the cross border eCommerce shoppers are aged 26 to 40, which takes up for 74.7%. Comparing with the whole eCommerce customers, cross border eCommerce shoppers are older in age.



Cross border eCommerce shoppers in China are relatively well-educated. Around 74.6% of cross border eCommerce shoppers in China have a bachelor degree. Only less than 5% of Cross border eCommerce shoppers in China did not attend college.



More than 25% of China cross border eCommerce shoppers have a monthly income above RMB 10,000. In fact, cross border eCommerce shoppers make an average income of RMB 11043.9 every month, higher than that of general eCommerce shoppers in China.

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Job Status

More than half (56%) of China cross border eCommerce shoppers are employed by corporates. Among them, the majority are entry level employees.


Marriage Status

About 66.5% of China cross border eCommerce shoppers have kids. To dig deeper, 56.1% have only one kids. As a result, these customers are not only shopping for themselves but also stocking for their kids.



You will find a lot of your cross border eCommerce customers living in Southeast China. For example, customers from Shanghai and Guangdong account for nearly 25% of the total China cross border eCommerce shoppers.


Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Beijing and Shandong are among the top regions that most China cross border eCommerce shoppers live in.



Comparing with general eCommerce shoppers, cross border eCommerce shoppers are older in ages, better educated and better paid. On the other hand, they are mostly living in a stable life: working for a corporate, married, and have kids. Stay tuned and we will bring more shopping habits about your China cross border eCommerce customers.

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