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[0] => This report is a starter guide to the China eCommerce market. Get an introduction and extensive guide on how to start in the world's biggest eCommerce market.
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[0] => The scale of growth in China eCommerce market is astonishing. With a growing middle-class and an internet penetration of 1.283 billion, or 92% of the total population, China has become a market that cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, cross-border eCommerce offers foreign businesses a comparatively accessible way to enter the market.
However, obstacles still remain for companies looking to start their eBusiness in China. A complicated legislative framework, regional differences and a unique media landscape are only a few of the challenges.
Therefore, TMO Group presents a series of guides with in-depth analysis and extensive information for localisation in different countries. Want to know more about localisation for the Chinese eCommerce market? Then take a look at our China eCommerce Market Localization Starter's Guide!
Newly updated for 2019!
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[0] => Do you want to know more about
- What are recent developments for cross-border eCommerce in China?
- How is the Chinese eCommerce market structured?
- What are the Chinese eCommerce market size, top companies and trends?
- Which entry strategies can be employed?
- When do you need a legal entity?
- Which sales channels and models are there?
- Tips and advice for different topics such as payment methods and marketing strategies
Download our China eCommerce Market Localization Starter Guide now for free! Or if you want more information and insights, you can also purchase our in-depth China eCommerce Market Localization Guide,
newly updated for 2020.
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[0] => If you encounter any problems throughout the ordering process, get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
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[0] => The scale of growth in China eCommerce market is astonishing. With a growing middle-class and an internet penetration of 1.283 billion, or 92% of the total population, China has become a market that cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, cross-border eCommerce offers foreign businesses a comparatively accessible way to enter the market.
However, obstacles still remain for companies looking to start their eBusiness in China. A complicated legislative framework, regional differences and a unique media landscape are only a few of the challenges.
Therefore, TMO Group presents a series of guides with in-depth analysis and extensive information for localisation in different countries. Want to know more about localisation for the Chinese eCommerce market? Then take a look at our China eCommerce Market Localization Starter's Guide!
Newly updated for 2019!
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- What are recent developments for cross-border eCommerce in China?
- How is the Chinese eCommerce market structured?
- What are the Chinese eCommerce market size, top companies and trends?
- Which entry strategies can be employed?
- When do you need a legal entity?
- Which sales channels and models are there?
- Tips and advice for different topics such as payment methods and marketing strategies
Download our China eCommerce Market Localization Starter Guide now for free! Or if you want more information and insights, you can also purchase our in-depth China eCommerce Market Localization Guide,
newly updated for 2020.
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Q1: How can I get a copy of this eCommerce Market Localization Starter Guide?
A1: Just click on the ‘download now’ button and fill out your business details on the next page. We will then send you a personal download link for your copy of the preview in PDF format.
Q2: What is the difference between the starter's guide and the in-depth guide?
A2: All our guides are based on TMO Group’s 20+ years of experience and composed by our team of eCommerce market researchers. However, the in-depth guide offers more insights and detailed information than the starter's guide.
Q3: I filled out my (personal) email address, why did I not receive a download link?
A3: Please make sure you are not using a gmail, hotmail or any other general email account. To receive a download link, you need to use a business email address.
Q4: What should I do if I have not received my email?
A4: If you encounter any problems throughout the downloading process,
get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
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