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[0] => With an expected growth of more than 20%, Italy is the eCommerce market to watch. Therefore, we provide this handbook with in-depth information to guide you through Italy’s complex regulatory environment. Which regulations and policies are crucial for your eCommerce business in Italy? Our guide provides the answers and more.
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[0] => The Italy eCommerce Market Localization Guide covers all elements necessary for your online business to succeed. From EU and national legislation on consumer protection, privacy and electronic contracting to VAT and customs regulations. Furthermore, we take a look at Italy’s digital landscape and how social media marketing is developing.
- A complete overview of Italy’s eCommerce ecosystem
- Latest statistics and market data available in 2018
- Hands-on experience gathered from multiple experts
- Expansive information on a broad range of themes, from taxations to marketing strategies
- An overview of EU specific rules for importing goods and customs regulations
- Templates and practical tips on legal matters
- Advice for foreign businesses on how to localize their operations for the Italian market
- Analysis of Italy’s customers and how to ensure high conversion
- Complementary guides available on in-depth legal documentation and store localization
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[0] => Updated for 2019 Q2!
Now including:
- Complete overview of the GDPR (May 2018) main content
- Analysis of the GDPR impact on Italian Data Protection and Privacy Codes
- Examples of GDPR implementation by the main marketplaces in Italy
- Authentic and precise insight of Italian consumer behaviour, both offline and online
- Overview of the Italian consumers’ attitude towards foreign brands
- Updated insights regarding social media trends and marketing
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[0] => If you encounter any problems throughout the ordering process, get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
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[0] => With an expected growth of more than 20%, Italy is the eCommerce market to watch. Therefore, we provide this handbook with in-depth information to guide you through Italy’s complex regulatory environment. Which regulations and policies are crucial for your eCommerce business in Italy? Our guide provides the answers and more.
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[0] => Your one-stop guide to entering and suceeding in the Italian eCommerce Market, and localizing your business and marketing to the region.
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[0] => Updated for 2019 Q2!
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[0] => Now including:
- Complete overview of the GDPR (May 2018) main content
- Analysis of the GDPR impact on Italian Data Protection and Privacy Codes
- Examples of GDPR implementation by the main marketplaces in Italy
- Authentic and precise insight of Italian consumer behaviour, both offline and online
- Overview of the Italian consumers’ attitude towards foreign brands
- Updated insights regarding social media trends and marketing
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[0] => Business owners, C-level executives, marketeers and eCommerce specialists are sure to benefit from reading our Italy eCommerce Market Localization Guide. It provides a complete overview and a strategic direction for starting your eCommerce business. The handbook specifically covers an extensive series of business topics, industry insights, latest available market data and hands-on insider information.
Thus, from business owners to marketing specialists and eCommerce operators, our guide is sure to provide you with valuable insights.
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[0] => The Italy eCommerce Market Localization Guide covers all elements necessary for your online business to succeed. From EU and national legislation on consumer protection, privacy and electronic contracting to VAT and customs regulations. Furthermore, we take a look at Italy’s digital landscape and how social media marketing is developing.
- A complete overview of Italy’s eCommerce ecosystem
- Latest statistics and market data available in 2018
- Hands-on experience gathered from multiple experts
- Expansive information on a broad range of themes, from taxations to marketing strategies
- An overview of EU specific rules for importing goods and customs regulations
- Templates and practical tips on legal matters
- Advice for foreign businesses on how to localize their operations for the Italian market
- Analysis of Italy’s customers and how to ensure high conversion
- Complementary guides available on in-depth legal documentation and store localization
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- What are the characteristics of the Italian ecommerce market?
- What implications do European Union (EU) legislations have on the Italian market?
- Which import and customs regulations will I face when entering the market?
- How can I best handle privacy and data protection for the local market?
- How do the product category and eCommerce model affect your taxations?
- Which aspects of an ecommerce business are essential to have for Italy?
- Which distribution and payment methods are available?
- Which media and marketing strategies are important to ensure high conversion rates?
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[0] => TMO Group publishes an extensive series of eCommerce Localization Guides. Covering general, legal and store-level localization topics, these handbooks provide key market and hands-on information on how to localize your eBusiness per country. We currently cover the following markets in our series: China, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and Italy. This series is continuously expanding and being updated. All our guides are published in English and Chinese.
The guides are based on our aggregated 20+ years of experience and composed by our dedicated team of eCommerce market researchers. This all-inclusive complementary series of guides will help you find your way through the eCommerce jungle. Be sure to check out our complete series of guides which cover: (A) eCommerce Market Localization, (B) eCommerce Store Localization and (C) eCommerce Legal Localization.
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Q1: How can I get a copy of this eCommerce Market Localization Guide?
A1: Just click on the ‘download now’ button and fill out your business details on the next page. You can then pay directly via PayPal. Once your payment is confirmed, we will send you a dedicated download link for your copy of the guide in PDF format.
Q2: What is the difference between the starter's guide and the in-depth guide?
A2: All our guides are based on TMO Group’s aggregated 20+ years of experience and composed by our dedicated team of eCommerce market researchers. However, the in-depth guide offers many more insights and detailed information than the starter's guide.
Q3: Which payment methods are currently available to purchase a resource?
A3: At the moment we only support credit card payments. However, in the near future this will be expanded to include other popular methods such as WeChat Pay and Alipay.
Q4: I filled out my (personal) email address, why did I not receive a download link?
A4: Please make sure you are not using a gmail, hotmail or any other general email account. To receive a download link, you need to use a business email address.
Q5: What should I do if I have not received my email or my payment failed?
A5: If you encounter any problems throughout the ordering process, get in touch with us. You can reach us through our online customer service. Alternatively, you can send an email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396.
Q6: If my payment was successful, can I receive an invoice?
A6: TMO Group can provide an invoice for purchase of the guides. If you need an invoice, please send a request by email to or give us a call at +86 (0)21 617 00 396. We will need your detailed information for the invoice and can send it to you within 10 working days.
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