Advantages of Enterprise Mobility Solutions

TMO GroupNovember 18, 2014
Advantages of Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Mobile smart devices have really changed our way of communication. From recent research, it shows that more than half of Americans have mobile phones or tablets. And the ratio is still getting higher and higher.

As a result, mobile commerce is getting popular in some big enterprises as well. Their mobile devices or applications can be a tool, which can be connected to their personal desktop. Then they can use their mobile devices at work.

For example, some workers need to make a lot of records in testing. They have to rely on pen and paper before. After using a mobile smart device, they can take a photo to show where the issue is and remark. All of these can help their work efficiently. The following are 5 advantages of enterprise mobility solutions, which enterprises should take into consideration.

Accurate data processing

Your smart mobile devices can be a mini computer. Some apps can help you to do some data capturing or processing. Your clients data will be more detailed recorded. Besides, it is more accurate than manually writing or calculating them. The related information can also be shared around your enterprise group.

Improve the work management

Getting in touch with your staff anytime and everywhere seems to be difficult before mobile devices are not universal. Now, some enterprises have their own custom app, which can help them to contact each other conveniently. For staff management, mobile devices can also help the manager to assign their jobs.

Timeliness and accuracy

Enterprise apps can capture signatures or photos. That means some workflow can be recorded timely. By using GPS, their location can also be recorded. On one hand, the cost estimation of the project will be accurate. One the other hand, the estimation can help the arrangement of labor.

Supervision efficiently in work time

Mobile applications can help to record information about their work time. Managers can make use of it to make sure employees are not lazy. In addition, it can also inspire them to work hard. Their extra work can be recorded, which can be related to bonus.

Monitor the location

In reality, your staff do not want to be monitored. But the location monitor can also help with some work. For a logistic company, consumers are usually interested in where the courier and their products are. Mobile devices can help with that, and they are convenient to carry.

Actually, some enterprises need to re-design or update their previous mobile apps. For long-term development, an efficient enterprise mobility solution can be a big leap.

TMO Group has rich experience in mobile commerce. We provide mobile / web app development for your business from early stages of planning to long term support. More details please send us an email!

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