Building Your B2B Omni-Channel Commerce Platform is The Future [Infographic]

TMO GroupJanuary 22, 2016
Building Your B2B Omni-Channel Commerce Platform is The Future [Infographic]

When it comes to 2016, more B2B Suppliers are adapting to shifting buying behavior of business customers that is driven by consumer shopping habits. Business buyers are expecting an overall better ecommerce and omni-channel experience from suppliers with easy to use online payment methods, enhanced website search, and personalized recommendations.

For those B2B businesses that do it well, omni-channel can represent a powerful competitive advantage. Check out the infographic below to see how an integrated B2B omni-channel commerce platform will meet B2B buyer's expectations and ultimately improve B2B business.

屏幕快照 2016-01-22 上午10.38.50


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