Coronavirus: TMO Strives for Business as Usual

TMO GroupFebruary 25, 2020
Coronavirus: TMO Strives for Business as Usual

The Novel Coronavirus has been all over global news for months now. For many inside China and out, it is a major cause for concern. However, in major cities throughout China, including Shanghai where TMO has an office, companies and individuals are finding ways to keep calm and carry on despite the restrictions and advised methods of staying safe.

Things Are Looking Up

In general, there is an air of cautious positivity throughout China's biggest cities. The impression is that the worst is already over, and the strong and decisive actions taken to limit the spread of the virus have started to pay off. For instance, most of the past few days have seen no additional confirmed cases in Shanghai. This week, many businesses asked employees to return to work in person after weeks of extended leave or remote work.

coronavirus shanghai sunrise

Technology Makes Anything Possible From Home

Remote work is the first, foremost, and most obvious way in which technology has helped smooth things along. With the government still advising many to stay at home and avoid going out if possible, the ability of some companies like TMO to function online and remotely has meant we've been able to continue to work with our clients while keeping our employees safe. But that isn't all. Thanks to the prevalence and highly developed state of eCommerce in China, those staying at home can do more than just work - they can thrive. China's population are able to live their lives as they would normally expect, thanks to familiar mobile apps. Their phone lets them do grocery shopping, order from restaurants, buy consumer goods, and pay their bills online. And this is nothing new - it's how China's online-savvy consumers are already used to living.

Global eCommerce Helps Keep Businesses Strong

Chinese companies with strong online infrastructures are finding it easier to weather the effects of the Coronavirus on their business. This isn't just because their employees are able to easily work from home. Those companies are able to divide and reduce risks thanks to globally connected networks. In short, some companies are facing obstacles because all their employees are in China, or all their business is in China. Online-enabled businesses with operations and business outside of the country have been able to better weather the storm.

TMO Group Continues to Thrive!

Through a combination of factors mentioned above, we at TMO Group are able to say "Business as usual!" Our dedicated team has been working remotely, staying safe while continuing to provide the quality services our clients expect. Operating on the digital frontier, TMO has a strong position from which to weather this storm, and avoid the worst of the knock-on effects of the virus outbreak.

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