5 Essential Steps For eCommerce Online Payment Design

TMO GroupJune 10, 2015
5 Essential Steps For eCommerce Online Payment Design

Basically there are two common kinds of eCommerce websites. One is traditional model which only used to sell products. And the other one is like a company business website with online payment function. This model is usually used for business who don't have enough products for example Xiaomi (mi.com) in China.

Today we'll talk about 5 essential step you need to follow in terms of eCommerce online payment design.

1. Register

Register could be one of main functions in eCommerce websites. Recently a new trends is that eCommerce check out can be finished without register. But the register function is still needed because it is convenient for repeat customers.

After register, customers should be able to manage their personal information such as telephone, email, address and so on. For register, we can also use that customer database as advertising.

2. Shopping cart system

Shopping cart should allow customers to add products as well as change quantity and delete items. The design should be clean and easy to use. Then customers can checkout.

3. Order submission

After customers put their products into shopping cart, normally they will submit it. And after submit, system should generate some unique order numbers, which can be used to check the order status.

4. Order management

Website masters should be able to deal with all orders. And members can also manage their orders. They can delete and modify orders. But something should not allow members to change for example order number or discount money.

5. Payment system

In china, Alipay is usually used. We can also integrate other payment gateways according to customers' customs. Actually there are two ways to add payment functions. One is let users pay in the site. And the other one is that after customer click checkout, they will go to the 3rd party payment website and process payments.

In general, these 5 functions is must need in all eCommerce websites. TMO Group is an eCommerce development company in China. We can help to build your own eCommerce project. Any questions please send us your inquiry!

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