Five Most Asked Questions about eCommerce Bounce Rate Problems

TMO GroupSeptember 14, 2016
Five Most Asked Questions about eCommerce Bounce Rate Problems

If you own an eCommerce business and you want to stay competitive, there are several important factors you need to pay attention. Among them, bounce rate stands out to be very important, while it can be really intimidating.

Many of you are struggling with high bounce rates. Before we can fix our bounce rate, we have to fully understand what bounce rate is.


1. What is bounce rate?

A visitor who lands on a website and leaves without clicking through to other pages is said to have "bounced." Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a website or webpage who leave or otherwise end their session without clicking through to a second internal page.

China eCommerce development bounce rate


2. Why visitors bounced from my eCommerce?

Your eCommerce visitor will bounce mostly because they:

  • Leave the site by clicking an external link on your web page.
  • Press their browser back button.
  • Type in another URL into the web browser.
  • Close the browser window or tab.
  • Don’t interact with your web page for a long time (usually 30 minutes).
  • Landed on your site accidentally and leave quickly.
  • Don’t like or understand your navigation, so they leave;
  • Found your site loading too slow and they leave.
  • Have a poor user experiences, e.g., Pop-up ads
  • Find no call to action, and they depart without taking an action.

China eCommerce development bounce rate


3. What is a good eCommerce bounce rate?

The industry average of eCommerce sites is roughly 33.9%.

If your eCommerce website's bounce rate is higher than 66%, you definitely need to spend more time and dig into it.

Generally, bigger eCommerce sites have lower bounce rates, presumably because they have more repeat customers – and repeat customers typically know what they are shopping for.


4. How to find my eCommerce bounce rate?

The easiest way to measure your eCommerce your eCommerce site’s bounce rate is through Google Analytics. This free-to-use analytics tool offered by the search engine giant reveals a plethora of data about your website, including its site-wide and page-specific bounce rates.

China eCommerce development bounce rate


5. How to lower bounce rate?

Of course, you’ll never be able to achieve a 0% bounce rate – and that’s okay. No matter what your eCommerce website's bounce rate is, the target should be consistently lowering it. The idea of lowering bounce rate is in perfect synch with the idea of giving customers what they want. If customers feel that their needs will be met on an eCommerce website, they are likely to stay on the site and continue to shop.

Below are a few tips to lower your eCommerce bounce rate:

  • To add links to more pages within your website in your content.
  • To  review pages on your website with a high bounce rate, and improve your content
  • To optimize your eCommerce loading time.
  • To Double-check all links to ensure they function as intended (a broken internal link may trigger a bounce).


Contact us and see how we can help your China eCommerce development.


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