Magnetize Your Customers With These eCommerce User Experience Tips

TMO GroupJuly 7, 2016
Magnetize Your Customers With These eCommerce User Experience Tips

What is the goal of user experience in eCommerce? The answer is always clear: to make customers feel comfortable and engaged. Just like offline retail stores spent heavily on in-store displays, decoration and layout, eCommerce site must be continually optimized so that customers enjoy the journey and keep coming back.

The truth is: for eCommerce business, user experience is so important that you cannot ignore. To a better conversion, here are some useful tips for you to enhance your eCommerce's user experiences, and magnetize your customers.


To decrease page loading time

This is very important because nowadays eCommerce customers are getting more and more impatient.If your website slows shoppers down, they’re going to go somewhere else.

China eCommerce development reduce page loading time

According to the latest data,  a one second delay in page response time can lead to a seven percent reduction in conversions. For an ecommerce site bringing in $100,000 per day, that’s an annual loss of potentially $2.5 million in sales. You have to make speed a priority.

If you decide to use Magento 2 (also known as Adobe Commerce) as your eCommerce platform, here are some tricks Magento can help to decrease page loading time: Five Awesome Features Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) Can Bring to Your eCommerce CustomersMagento is a feature-rich eCommerce platform solution, and today we will reveal 5 shinning features that Magento 2.0 can bring to your eCommerce customers:[Five Awesome Features Magento 2 Can Bring to Your eCommerce Customers]


To offer live chat options

Customers will always have questions when they are browsing on your eCommerce sites, but chances are very low that they will call or e-mail you to find out the answers. They’d rather have their questions answered while on the site.

China eCommerce development live chat

Live chat could be your solution, since it can be seen as the "untapped potential for your eCommerce business". In fact, 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Web site can offer.

To support this point, a recent study found that 90% of customers consider live chat helpful and an survey found that 63% were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.


To improve product filtering functions

For eCommerce shoppers, having a large selection of products can be problematic if people can't easily find what they are looking for on the site.

This is where proper product filtering comes into play. Product filtering options will make customers easy to sort through hundreds of items to find the one they need. Allowing shoppers to filter by size, color, gender, type, etc., you can show them the products that are relevant to them.

China eCommerce development product filter option

Not only will product filtering options speed up their shopping experience, but it also means you’re targeting users with products that are designed for them. Click to see our solution using Magento 2 platform Five Awesome Features Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) Can Bring to Your eCommerce CustomersMagento is a feature-rich eCommerce platform solution, and today we will reveal 5 shinning features that Magento 2.0 can bring to your eCommerce customers:here.


To always, always put your customers first

For every single business, your customers always come first. It's your ultimate task to give potential buyers the best user experiences possible, to ensure them place the order at the checkout.

China eCommerce development user experience

Simply making a website usable is just not enough. The experience you create for the customer has to make them not realize that they are “using” it. It’s a tough concept to grasp, and the recipe changes from website to website, but the right combination of usability, creative design, writing, psychology and metrics and a strong brand will create an experience through which your customers learn to trust you.


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Five Awesome Features Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) Can Bring to Your eCommerce CustomersMagento is a feature-rich eCommerce platform solution, and today we will reveal 5 shinning features that Magento 2.0 can bring to your eCommerce customers:Five Awesome Features Magento 2 Can Bring to Your eCommerce Customers

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