TMO Group at "Meet Magento" - The Road to Magento China Localization

TMO GroupNovember 11, 2018
TMO Group at "Meet Magento" - The Road to Magento China Localization

On November 11 and 12, more than 400 eCommerce and technology experts from all over the world gathered at Meet Magento Shenzhen. They shared knowledge and insights on China eCommerce, cross-border eCommerce and Magento* China Localization.

Already before Magento 2 was released at the end of 2015, TMO Group started exploring its localization possibilities and functionalities. Therefore, we now have ample experience in localizing the platform for China and cross-border eCommerce practices.

At Magento’s official invitation, TMO Group presented at the Meet Magento Shenzhen 2018 conference, sharing our in-depth knowledge about Magento localisation, development and set-up.

Day 1: Magento China Day, Agency & System Integrator Meeting

The Agency & System Integrator Meeting that Meet Magento organized on 11 November linked developers and experts active in the Chinese and global Magento community. Extensive discussions and brainstorming on China localization, development and deployment for Magento took place.

Different nationalities, different technical backgrounds and even different eCommerce practices worked together, each contributing to Magento Community’s strength.

MMSZ18 Magento China Day

From TMO Group, Ms. Jing Zhou, Business Director and Mr. Harry Qiu, Head of Technology, participated in the meetings. Combining their practical experience and professional insights, they shared Magento China localization and development experiences from a business, as well as a technical perspective. Connecting with engineers, developers and experts from around the world allowed the group to come up with professional and comprehensive localization solutions.

Mr. Qiu’s knowledge on these topics were especially valuable. Raising curiosity and receiving appreciation, he broadened the understanding and view of international users for Magento applications.

MMSZ18 Magento China Developers Discussion

According to TMO Group's Ms. Zhou Magento is "international, open source, customizable, scalable and suitable for various complex eCommerce functionalities. Magento is becoming the preferred platform for many international companies to develop their eCommerce websites. Thanks to Magento’s broad functionalities, we see that more brands in China also start using Magento for their online platform. In particular the growing demand from middle and large Chinese brands drives this development. Moreover, Magento is very suitable for brands who might scale their eCommerce operations overseas or cross-border."

Day 2: Conference

Lectures and seminars took the center stage for the conference. More than 400 eCommerce and technology experts from all over the world gathered to share their insights on China eCommerce, cross-border eCommerce and Magento. The event was also strongly supported by local eCommerce associations in Shenzhen and China.

MMSZ18 conference

Mr. Dominiek Pouwer, Business Director of TMO Group, delivered a keynote presentation as guest speaker, titled "Building Scalable Mobile Commerce for China and South East Asia".

He remarked that "in recent years, many brands are entering the fast-growing and developing Southeast Asian cross-border eCommerce market. Southeast Asia is a continent that many are looking to conquer."

TMO Group shared similarities and characteristics of the Southeast Asian and Chinese eCommerce developments and consumers. For example, the ‘mobile is king’ trend which counts for a large part of the eCommerce traffic in both regions. Furthermore, in China as well as Southeast Asia there is a growing middle class whose living standards and incomes are rapidly improving.

Although mobile browsing accounts for nearly 70% of the total traffic of Southeast Asian eCommerce, this still poses some challenges. At this moment, mobile conversions are less than one-third of those on desktop.

How to overcome this? Improving and localizing mobile interfaces is an important first step.

On the same day, Ms. Zhou hosted and participated in a panel discussion titled “The Future of China eCommerce: China Localization and Set-up of Magento”. Together with multiple experts she led an in-depth discussion on the development of Magento’s China localization.

Important points raised were among others: China's eCommerce strategy, future technologies and applications; the value of applying Magento on the Chinese market and linking this to localizing experiences; the globalization of eCommerce and other related developments. All topics of great interest to the participants and attendants.

MMSZ18 Magento China Localization Discussion


* Since April 2021 Magento is also known as Adobe Commerce

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