How Mobile Is Changing The Way of Website Development

TMO GroupJuly 24, 2014
How Mobile Is Changing The Way of Website Development

Today almost 50% of adults have the smart phones from which 64% use their smart phones for internet surfing or online shopping. For your business, if you aren’t optimized for mobile, you’re ultimately losing your potential customers and sales subsequently. Considering how important a mobile website, it’s natural to take extra care to ensure that your website is mobile friendly.

Social Media Traffic increasingly comes from mobile devices

More than half of Facebook referrals for publishers now comes from mobile devices; mobile drives more than 80% of Twitter's traffic, and Twitter is often where donations are promoted through the use of hashtags. If you're sharing your website links on social media, asking people to give on social media, or encouraging other people to share your content on social media, they're most likely doing so on a phone or tablet.

The next time you click on Facebook or Twitter links on your phone, take note of the websites that are optimized for mobile and compare them to the ones that aren't. Make sure your organization's website is on par with the ones you find are easy and enjoyable to browse and read.

It’s readily available

Mobile devices have changed the way we communicate, research and access information. Any information we require is easily accessible right at our fingertips. Your customers want to access your website easily and without any hassle. By creating a responsive website design, your website will automatically resize itself to fit in any screen size making it easier for your customers to view. If you’ve ever tried viewing a non-responsive website on a mobile device you’ll understand how frustrating this can be. Make it easy for your customers to view your website no matter where they are accessing it from.

Simplicity is its best attribute

Simplicity works best for mobile


Mobile websites are designed to be clean, simple and easy to navigate. Most of the fluffy excess (advertisements, links and other distractions) will have been removed and you’re left with the basic pages you need. It has been found that most users that access the Internet through mobile devices only do so for a short period of time, normally to check emails, do banking or find readily available information on the go. By listing your business offerings in a simple layout you can be sure visitors to your site are easily able to access the right information.

Faster loads, less wait time


How Mobile Is Changing The Way We Create Websites images

Integrating mobile commerce transactions with your accounting and contact management solutions can help save time and increase efficiency. Mobile sites are notoriously faster at loading than desktop sites, mostly to do with the simplicity of the overall site. This means by having a response site that’s designed with mobile users in mind your visitors will experience faster loads on their mobile than their desktop. This can result in fewer bounce rates, more visits and more browsing time on your site.

In conclusion

There are a substantial number of online businesses that have already seen the importance of a mobile friendly websites and have done what they need to make their site responsive. If your site is not responsive and appears the same on a mobile device as it would on a desktop, chances are you’re losing potential business.

TMO Group provide Mobile Commerce services including HTML5 Development & Mobile App Development. More details please send us an email!

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