How to Prepare Your Team for a Magento Migration

TMO GroupAugust 16, 2024
How to Prepare Your Team for a Magento Migration

Regularly upgrading your Magento System is necessary to ensure your eCommerce is able to deliver the best performance, with enhanced security and improved user experience. However, this can easily turn into a complicated task for teams that are not fully prepared, leading to serious consequences due to technical or operational issues.

This article will explore how proper training, resource allocation, and change management planning can promote a smooth transition and subsequent operation when performing Magento system upgrades.

For the key steps of Magento system migration, you can read our guide on How to Upgrade to Magento 2 (from Magento 1)Migrating to Magento 2 from Magento 1 may seem daunting. Make sure to follow these key steps and precautions when tackling the move.How to Upgrade to Magento 2.

1. Train your Team on Platform & Workflow Changes

Training is an integral part of the Magento upgrade process. A detailed training plan can help team members quickly become familiar with the operation of the new system.

Check out TMO’s Customer Portfolio for successful Magento (Adobe Commerce) implementations, system upgrades, and optimization.

Generally speaking, inviting experienced external service providers to train the team is an efficient and convenient option, as they will pass on their knowledge and experience in the project implementation process to the internal team with detailed explanations of new functions, modules, and system configurations to ensure that the internal team understands how the system works and how to perform basic maintenance and operations.

In addition, system operation training, which covers daily operations, user management, order processing, and product management, is also essential. This training usually combines actual cases and operation demonstrations to enable team members to quickly get started and solve common problems pertaining marketing, data analysis, customer management, and other areas.

At the same time, the internal team also needs to actively cooperate, by providing some actual business scenarios or problems for rehearsal during the training process. This will help the training content to be closer to actual work and improve the learning effect. After the training, the internal team can organize discussions to share each participant's learning experience and problems found. According to the training content, relevant operation manuals and knowledge bases should be developed for future reference and learning. After the training, the internal team may also need to arrange follow-up support or retraining to ensure that team members fully master the operation of the new system.

2. Resource & Responsibility Allocation

First, allocate sufficient personnel resources to ensure that each team member has clear responsibilities and tasks. Key roles include:

  • Project Manager : Responsible for the execution and coordination of the overall upgrade plan to ensure that the project proceeds as planned.
  • Technical support staff: Resolve technical issues encountered during the upgrade process and ensure system stability and reliability.
  • Trainer: Responsible for team training and support, ensuring that team members are proficient in the operation of the new system.

Secondly, arrange time reasonably to ensure that there is enough time for training, testing, and system upgrades. Avoid upgrading during business peak periods to reduce the impact on daily operations. For example, you can choose to upgrade the system during the relatively off-season or at night to ensure that the upgrade has the least impact on customers and business.

TMO has rich experience in Adobe Commerce (Magento) Custom Development for both B2B and B2C, cross-border eCommerce, and other implementation projects.

It is also very important to ensure that there is enough budget to support the team's preparation for the upgrade project, including training costs, testing costs, and technical support costs.

3. Change & Risk Management

In terms of communication, developing a detailed communication plan can ensure that all team members understand the purpose, process, and timeline of the upgrade. Project information can be released in a timely manner through a variety of communication methods, such as emails, internal announcements, and project management tools.

It is also very important to hold regular project meetings to update project progress and solve problems, so that team members can understand the overall and detailed matters in the project. In addition, a feedback mechanism needs to be established to collect opinions and suggestions from team members. You can use internal surveys, suggestion boxes or regular feedback meetings to understand the feedback of team members and make timely adjustments.

In terms of risk management, identifying and assessing possible technical problems and business interruption risks, and formulating corresponding response measures, are important steps to ensure a smooth upgrade.

4. Devising a Magento Test Plan

Finally, before the official Magento upgrade, conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the stability and reliability of the new system.

You may also like: 6 Common Magento Upgrade/Migration Issues and SolutionsFrom compatibility to performance and SEO, we covered the 6 most common issues during Magento migration projects as well as solutions for these.6 common Magento Upgrade issues and their solutions

The test plan should include:

Test TypeTest contentExpected Results
Functional TestingTest new system functions item by itemAll functional modules are running normally
Performance TestingSimulating performance under high loadThe system is stable and responsive under high-load
Security TestingScan system vulnerabilities and conduct penetration testingNo serious security vulnerabilities, able to resist common attacks
Compatibility TestingTest browser and device compatibilityWorks on all major browsers and devices
Data Migration TestingVerify the integrity of the migrated dataData is migrated accurately without loss or error
Regression TestingEnsure existing functionalityExisting functions will continue to function normally after the upgrade
User TestingSimulate actual operation and find problemsUsers operate smoothly without serious problems
User Experience TestingTry out the new system and collect feedbackFriendly interface, smooth and easy operation process
Backup and Recovery TestVerify backup and restore functionalityThe system can be backed up and restored correctly without data loss

Ensure a smooth Magento Upgrade with TMO

By developing a detailed training plan, allocating resources reasonably, and managing changes effectively, you can ensure that your team is prepared for a smooth Magento migration and upgrade. This will help reduce risks and problems during the upgrade process, truly optimize system functions and performance, help improve performance, and welcome more efficient e-commerce operations.

As an Adobe-certified solution partner, TMO provides professional Adobe Commerce (Magento) Implementation Services. If you're ready to migrate your store into Magento 2, we have the expertise to draft and implement a detailed migration plan.

For a tailored proposal, contact our team of experts with extensive experience in Magento projects so we can discuss your project's specific needs and ensure a smooth transition from Magento 1 to Magento 2!

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