These 4 Strengths of WeChat Pay Solution Will Improve Your O2O Commerce

TMO GroupMarch 9, 2016
These 4 Strengths of WeChat Pay Solution Will Improve Your O2O Commerce

As we head into 2016, “mobile wallet” is still a heated topic in China. 358 million Chinese last year, roughly half the country’s Internet users, have used mobile payment options like WeChat Pay.

Meanwhile, offline stores are looking for a perfect solution for mobile wallet, since “online payment” is an important part in the O2O commerce. We revealed our WeChat Pay solution, which includes a “magic cube” that connects your POS Terminal and receipt printer. Today, we will break down details on how our WeChat Pay solution can benefit your business in O2O model.

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1. Mobile Payment has never been easier

Since WeChat Pay and other mobile payments are so popular in China right now, why business owners still hesitate to upgrade their POS Terminals? The truth is: not everyone is willing to afford the cost of money and time upgrading POS system.

The “magic cube” is here to rescue. Simply adding our WeChat Pay server in between your POS computer and receipt printer is the way that help you achieve WeChat Pay while not “break the balance”.

The Core of our WeChat Pay solution is QR Code. Here is how it works:

  • Customers  scan the QR code appeared on “magic cube”. Once scanned, payment details on customer’s phone. Click to confirm the payment.


  • You can also let the “magic cube” scan your QR code. There is a built-in camera in front of the “magic cube”. Aim your WeChat Pay’s QR Code to it, and the payment will be completed.

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2. Remote Payment? Why not

In places like coffeehouse and restaurant, checks are usually brought to the customers. How can WeChat Pay be used in that scenario?

Regarded as “remote payment”, our solution is rather handy: There will be a specific QR code on your receipt, which can be used for payment. When waiters brought the receipt to you, all you need to do is to scan the QR code on your receipt and finalize the mobile payment.


Such “remote payment” solution will save customers trouble, meanwhile bring more efficiency to the whole payment process. Scenarios like food delivery can also benefit from remote payment solutions.


3. Coupon that actually can be redeemed

Every offline business owner loves to give out coupons, hoping this can bring more sales to the store. The real question is: of all the coupons one business gave out, what is the redemption rate?

In terms of promotion purposes, coupon only matters until it’s been redeemed. Below are how we can improve your coupon promotion.

  • After every purchase paid via WeChat Pay, a coupon will be automatically added to this customer’s WeChat account. The “magic cube” will recognize the coupon and redeem it on customer’s next purchase.
  • There are multiple ways for WeChat users to get your coupon. They can either get it on your WeChat Public Account, or find it via LBS (Location Bases Services) features when they are nearby.

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Ideally, coupon redemption can benefit both the buyers and the merchants. Especially in terms of O2O model, coupon redemption will contribute in online sales, which result in more offline traffics.


4. Membership brings benefits

In O2O’s world, membership strategy is used to help merchants establish their own marketing platforms, thus increase user retention rates and consumption frequency.

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How can our “magic cube” help with your membership management? Generally speaking, users who have reached certain spending levels will automatically become VIP members and then enjoy double discounts. By launching prepaid cards and membership cards via WeChat, it offer customers more discounts and bring business more committed loyal customers.

Moreover, it will be a big data-driven tool for behavioral analytics, and it will assist you in making optimal decisions and acquiring loyal users online. Membership card can record the consumption information of users, even how often they consume in the shop and the amount of money they spend. This allows your business to know consumers’ habit more precisely and to send coupon more efficiently.



Above all, the greatest factor about our mobile wallet solution is: it supports every kind of mobile payment option. Your business will experience the new trend of mobile payment with the help of our “magic cube”, no matter which industry you are in, no matter what kind of product you’re selling.

The booming of mobile wallet cultivates O2O market, so merchants that support mobile payment comes to harvest. Let us know if you’re interested, and we will lay out the best plan for you!


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