TMO Group Signs Contract with Sanofi, Offering eCommerce Data Services

TMO GroupMay 24, 2023
TMO Group Signs Contract with Sanofi, Offering eCommerce Data Services

April 2023 - TMO Group, in collaboration with UK consultancy Brand Catalyser, offers tailored eCommerce data analysis and marketing consulting services for Sanofi, and a service agreement has been signed.

Established in 1973 and headquartered in Paris, France, Sanofi is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, specializing in the research, development, production, and sale of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and more. The company boasts an extensive product portfolio globally, including renowned brands Lantus, Dupixent, Aubagio, Cerezyme, and Fluzone.

Following in-depth discussions, TMO has developed a customized data architecture for Sanofi, providing data-driven guidance for the brand's expansion into Southeast Asian markets.

TMO's cross-border eCommerce data research for Sanofi encompasses the market landscape of popular Southeast Asian countries, the market size and potential of the health supplement category in each country, multi-platform channel insights, and competitive analysis. Leveraging our extensive experience in Southeast Asian eCommerce, TMO offers the client detailed data, comprehensive reports, insights, and recommendations.

In addition to Sanofi, TMO has served numerous domestic and international brands such as Swisse and Nanfu, providing eCommerce entry strategy and customized data services for the Southeast Asia markets. Our wealth of eCommerce market data and industry insights focuses on the health and beauty sectors. If you have any related needs, please feel free to contact us!


Success cases:

Nanfu BatteryAs a pilot for international expansion, in-depth market scans and opportunity evaluation helped Nanfu explore the potential of major markets in Southeast Asia.Nanfu Battery

SwisseThrough customized data research and analytics, TMO helped Swisse understand the competitive landscape for the Health Supplements market in Southeast Asia.Swisse 

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