Nanfu Battery

Southeast Asia Market Entry Research and Business Model Strategy Definition

B2CBusiness AnalysisStrategy
Mandarin (Chinese)
B2CBusiness AnalysisStrategy
Mandarin (Chinese)


Nanfu Battery, one of China’s top five alkaline battery manufacturers, aimed to explore the potential of Southeast Asian markets as a pilot for international expansion. TMO Group was tasked with conducting in-depth market scans and identifying business opportunities in major Southeast Asian countries.


Southeast Asia (SEA) is a region full of opportunities but also presents challenges due to its diverse political systems, fragmented markets, and limited available data. Nanfu Battery needed a comprehensive understanding of these markets to make informed strategic decisions for their global expansion.

Service & Solution

TMO Group provided a comprehensive consultancy service focusing on market entry strategy and data analysis, delivering an in-depth report on the Southeast Asian market entry, and providing clear, strategic steps for Nanfu Battery's global expansion.

The comprehensive analysis and tailored strategies positioned Nanfu Battery to effectively enter and compete in the diverse markets of Southeast Asia ensuring a solid foundation for their international expansion, backed by thorough market insights and strategic planning.

Consultancy & Research

Conducted detailed research into six key countries: India, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Each country was analyzed from multiple perspectives, including market entry strategies, distribution channels, and the competitive landscape.

Online Market Research

Carried out extensive online market research to gauge consumer demand, preferences, and emerging trends in the battery market. This research was critical for understanding the digital landscape and the potential for online sales channels.

Offline Retail Analysis

Examined the offline retail environment to assess the current state of battery sales in physical stores. This included evaluating retail partners, store formats, and consumer purchasing behaviors in traditional retail settings.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Developed tailored go-to-market strategies for each country, considering local business models, pricing strategies, and product offerings. This included an evaluation of both online and offline sales channels to identify the best approaches for market penetration.

Data Analysis

Performed thorough data analysis on consumer behavior, competitor activities, and market potential. This provided Nanfu Battery with actionable insights to make data-driven decisions.

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