
Long-term Data Monitoring for Health Supplements in Southeast Asia

B2BBusiness AnalysisStrategy
Mandarin (Chinese)
B2BBusiness AnalysisStrategy
Mandarin (Chinese)


Established in 1973 and headquartered in Paris, France, Sanofi is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, with an extensive product portfolio that includes renowned brands such as Lantus, Dupixent, Aubagio, Cerezyme, and Fluzone. To expand its presence in Southeast Asia, Sanofi aimed to gather comprehensive sales data for the online health supplement market on mainstream eCommerce platforms, to better understand the competitive landscape and guide its operational strategy.


Sanofi faced several challenges in the Southeast Asian eCommerce market, particularly in the health supplement category. The classification standards for products varied widely across different countries and platforms, leading to highly fragmented data. Additionally, Sanofi's internal product classifications differed from common market standards. The large volume of data required high-quality data cleaning and analysis to derive accurate insights.

Service & Solution

TMO Group provided a comprehensive consultancy service focusing on data analysis, eCommerce strategy, and operational support to drive Sanofi’s expansion into Southeast Asia by providing long-term, real-time data monitoring and insightful analysis.

The standardized data architecture and customized reports enabled Sanofi to capture market trends, understand competitive dynamics, and make data-driven decisions. This comprehensive approach facilitated Sanofi's strategic planning and operational efficiency in the diverse and competitive Southeast Asian eCommerce market.

Consultancy & Data Analysis

  • Customized Data Architecture: Developed a data architecture tailored to Sanofi's needs, monitoring the performance of target countries, categories, competitor brands, and stores.
  • Data Cleaning & Standardization: Utilized precise algorithms to standardize classifications and reduce data bias, ensuring reliable insights.

eCommerce Strategy

  • Market Analysis: Analyzed sales data for specific health supplement categories in different markets, customizing data granularity to fit Sanofi's strategic requirements.
  • Competitor Monitoring: Tracked sales performance of competitor brands and differentiated between local and cross-border stores to provide deeper insights.


  • Real-time Data Monitoring: Provided monthly real-time data on sales volume, revenue, SKUs, pricing, popular products, and brand analysis in the target health product category.
  • Standardized Workflow: Established key performance indicators and a standardized workflow, including market targets, categories, data delivery structure, and report formats.
  • Exclusive Data Account: Created an exclusive data account for Sanofi, allowing them to access and download data reports at any time via TMO’s data platform.

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